Fast ein ganzes Jahr hat es gedauert: Rechtzeitig zum zehnten Geburtstag des Portals im Jahr 2022 haben wir grundlegend überarbeitet. Das Portal zur Kinder- und Jugendmedienforschung, das ich mitgegründet habe und als stellvertretender Chefredakteur mitleite, erstrahlt nun in neuem Gewand – mit verbesserter Benutzerführung und einer neuen Datenbankfunktion. Mehr Infos hier.
Archiv der Kategorie:
Introducing on kjl&m
I have written a short entry introducing – our website dedicated to research in children’s literature, film, and other media – in the most recent issue 16.3 of the children’s media research journal kjl&m. You can find the entry here. There’s also another entry on published in CLOSURE – a German-language digital journal decdicated to Comics research (lookahere).
Comics bibliography
Christian A. Bachmann and I drafted a comics bibliography for, which collects the most important publications in (mostly German-language) comics research as well as an overview of databases, mailing lists, journals and comics research institutions. Looka here.
Article on the art and success of Disney’s „Frozen“
Frozen is the major mainstream animation musical film of the decade, not only because it busted almost all box office records but also because it has become a veritable cultural phenomenon in its own right, particularly among children. There are many reasons for it, with the academic debate just beginning: At bottom line, it is simply a good film that manages to evolve Disney’s classical narrato-aesthetic formula in surprisingly intelligent ways. And it is perhaps the first major Disney film to really hone in to the needs of its mainly female audience without falling into the oh-so worn princess clichés fairy tale films such as Snow White, Cinderella or Enchanted are notorious for. (Yes, it’s the first: Kiss the Frog tanked at the box office, and Tangled is, for all its merits, still based on a classical „True Love’s First Kiss“ formula.)
I have written an analysis-based article on the production history, style and cultural success of Frozen for the (German-language) Lexikon des Kinder- und Jugendfilms, a cornerstone of the German children’s film research landscape. Thankfully, I have been allowed to re-publish it for, making it accessible online for everyone who wants to know more about the movie whose songs dominated the musical repertoire of kids all over the world (and, accordingly, tortured the ears of the adults who had to suffer the endless song loops of „Let it Go“ and „Do you want to build a snowman?“). You can find the article here. (It’s written in German, though.)