I have written a review of Felix Giesa’s book „Graphisches Erzählen von Adoleszenz“, an extensive study of German-language comics that deal with topics of adolescence. You can find the review in issue 2.5 of the comics research eJournal CLOSURE and on KinderundJugendmedien.de.
Archiv der Kategorie: Comics
Comics bibliography
Christian A. Bachmann and I drafted a comics bibliography for KinderundJugendmedien.de, which collects the most important publications in (mostly German-language) comics research as well as an overview of databases, mailing lists, journals and comics research institutions. Looka here.
Review on „Bild ist Text ist Bild. Narration und Ästhetik in der Graphic Novel“
Comics and grapic novels are becoming a major focus of German intermedia research, and children’s media scholars are no exception. I published a small review on the academic anthology Bild ist Text ist Bild. Narration und Ästhetik in der Graphic Novel on KinderundJugendmedien.de. The volume, edited by Susanne Hochreiter and Ursula Klingenböck, collects a number of inspiring articles on various aspects in which narration and aesthetics figure in comics and graphic novels. Some scholars, such as Dietrich Grünewald or Bernd Dolle-Weinkauff, provide theoretical-historical reflections of the matter, while others attempt a more hands-on, analytic approach – some with a gender perspective. Very nice are the meta-comics of a number of comic book artists on the intricacies of thinking about comics academically. Fans of Scott McCloud’s marvelous Understanding Comics will be delighted. (The review is written in German language.)