Before focusing on my academic endeavours, I also worked as a freelance writer and researcher for documentary film makers. Two of the projects I participated in made it to the television screen.
Im Rausch der Steine
The thrill of stones – resource hunters in the mountains of Canada. 43 min, premiere: 16 June 2010, TV network: ZDF/arte.
This documentary film directed by Stefan Pannen is part of the documentary serial „Bei Auftrag Entdeckungen“ („Discovery on call“), which was produced for the television station „arte“ and its programming slot „arte – Entdeckung“. The issue „The thrill of stones – resource hunters in the mountains of Canada“ focuses on the work of resource hunters who set out for discovering potential new raw material exploitation sites for mining companies in the mountains of Canada.
I developed the treatment and provided background research for the project.
20.000 Kabel unter dem Meer
Twenty thousand cables under the sea. Internet and the physics of fiber optics. New Documentary film, 43 min, premiere: 11 June 2010, TV network: arte.
The internet and the world economy depend on overseas data cables. What happens when somebody types an internet address? When a data cable breaks in the ocean? How can they repair it? How are the cables produced and laid and what ideas do scientists have for sending even more data through the fibre optic cables in the same time?
I developed a treatment in collaboration with Gerhard Widmer and provided background research. The documentary was nominated for the Ernst-Schneider-Preis für Wirtschaftsjournalismus.