My children’s media research focuses on the theory and analysis of literature, film and theatre for children and young adults, with a particular focus on intermedial and transmedial strategies of storytelling in contemporary digital culture.
I have co-authored the German-language introduction „Kinder- und Jugendfilmanalyse“, written together with Tobias Kurwinkel. It is the first comprehensive introduction to the analysis of children’s film and is considered one of the standard textbooks in academic children’s film seminars.
In addition, I am the co-founder and editor-in-chief of, an interdisciplinary internet portal devoted to research, news and reviews on children’s media such as literature, film, and picture books.
Together with Tobias Kurwinkel and Annika Sevi, I am the co-founder and co-editor of the book series “Kinder- und Jugendliteratur Intermedial”. The volumes focus on various aspects of the intermediality of children’s literature, with a special emphasis on film. All books are published with the publishing house “Königshausen & Neumann”. So far, four volumes have been published, two more are in preparation.
Research areas
- German-language children’s literature
- Authors: Roald Dahl, Michael Ende, Astrid Lindgren, Otfried Preußler
- Children’s film
- Methods of children’s film analysis
- Family entertainment film
- Storytelling across media (transmediality, intermediality)
- Children’s theatre
- Philosophy in children’s literature
- Disability in children’s literature
- Comics