In 2012, I was a guest at the conference „Übergänge und Entgrenzungen in der Fantastik“, hosted by the Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung (Association for Research in the Fantastic). In the meantime, the conference proceedings have been published (Übergänge und Entgrenzungen in der Fantastik. Proceedings der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung 2012. Edited by Ingrid Tomkowiak, Christine Lötscher, Petra Schrackmann und Aleta-Amirée von Holzen. LIT Verlag). Among the many fine articles you can also find my own contribution „Zwischen Skeptizismus und Fantastik. Übergänge und Entgrenzungen im zeitgenössischen Kino“, in which I analyse the way in which contemporary cinema explores the boundaries between fantastic worlds and worlds which can be more accurately described as non-real or fake environments of which their inhabitants are aware to a rather less than higher degree. Such films trigger different narrative trajectories as compared to standard fantastic films.